Hi, I'm Linda Montgomery. I am
glad there is someone out there that appreciate Mariah as much as I do. I
know lots of people like her because of her music and her stardom. But a few
that really can understand the true Mariah Carey. I've liked Mariah since
the time she started of in her career. I am so happy for her that she had
found her dreams. She definitely got god's gift. She not only sing
incredibly, but she is such a great human being. I have her close to my
heart and always will. In many ways her and I share some similarities,
especially about her having a hard time while growing up. I guess that's
another reason I love and adore her. I knew how hard it was for me growing
up too. The great thing is we are the same age and we can relate on lots of
things. I will always continue to support Mariah until my last day.

You have great photos from different people. I think it's great what you
doing by letting other people show how much they care for Mariah. The
newsletter and articles are pretty much updated, which is important. Some
sites don't update on recent news. Having fans to continue to vote or
request her music is a good idea. I would request it a thousands times and
more if possible. Never will stop requesting on any of Mariah's songs. I
read everything you can possibly find on Mariah Carey. I tried to get as
much information as possible. If there are people out there that don't know
much about her and try to make a wrong statement, I make sure I clear it up
right. I can't stand people that says anything negative about Mariah, not
just ordinary people but any magazines organization. I would write to the
editor on my opinion. But that's just part of the publishing company, can't
really stop them. Any way what I'm trying to say is, there is no one in the
world that will have me think differently of Mariah. She will always be a
big part of my life. I will continue to acknowlege her importance as a human
being and her wonderful talent that she was given.

                                               Linda Montgomery